There are four items in each irrigation system that must be evaluated and maintained to ensure that your landscape is receiving the most benefit from every drop of water you purchase.
First, currently how efficient is the irrigation delivery system? In other words, how much water is being wasted? To find out we perform a scientific irrigation audit on each of the primary stations. Most systems that are more than 5 years old are less than 50 percent efficient. This can be caused by several factors, including the sprinkler heads are spaced too far apart, the wrong heads are being used, heads are leaking, or improper nozzle sizing and so forth could be a key factor in waste of water.
Second, is the existing clock programmed to allow the water enough time to soak into the root zone? In other words, is the system currently scheduled to minimize run-off and over watering? Most commercial clocks purchased within the last ten years have flexible, sophisticated programming available. Once the irrigation delivery system has been upgraded, we design clock programs that will ensure that the turf, trees, shrubs, and flowers receive the necessary water.
Third, are all the irrigation valves, main and lateral lines, backflow prevention devices, and booster pumps properly working? We perform pressure tests on the main lines, visually inspect all of the irrigation valves, certify backflow devices, and service booster pumps. Each of these items can have a profound effect on the volume of water that is being used.
Fourth, would this property financially benefit if a state of the art smart controller were installed? Smart controllers have several advantages to standard irrigation clocks depending upon the features offered with different manufacturers.